# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Authors: B. Malengier
Solver developed during the 1980s, this is the version from 1987 - Fortran
Integrator for linearly implicit systems of first-order odes. lsodi
provides the same methods as vode (adams and bdf). This integrator
accepts the following parameters in initializer or set_options method of the
dae class:
- rfn : residual function, see below for signature. This option need not be
set, as rfn will be set during initialization. If the residual function
of initialization needs to be reset, this option can be used
- jacfn : jacobian function, see below for signature. Default is None.
- adda_func = function, required, see below
- atol=float|seq
- rtol=float
- lband=None|int
- rband=None|int
- method='adams'|'bdf'
- with_jacobian=0|1
- max_steps = int
- max_step_size = float
- (first|min|max)_step = float
- tstop = None|float
- order = int # <=12 for adams, <=5 for bdf
- compute_initcond = None|'yp0'
Implicit integration requires two functions do be defined to integrate
d y(t)[i]
a(t,y) * --------- = g(t,y)[i]
where a(t,y) is a square matrix.
- rfn computes the residual which the user provides.
rfn has the signature: rfn(x, y, yprime, return_residual)
x : independent variable, eg the time, float
y : array of n unknowns in x
yprime : dy/dx array of n unknowns in x, dimension = dim(y)
return_residual: array that must be updated with the value of the residuals,
so G(t,y,y'). The dimension is equal to dim(y)
return value: Not needed. However, for use with other solvers, consider
returning 0 on success.
It calculates something like
def res(t, y, yprime, r):
- adda_func must modify the provided matrix p and is a required option. If banded storage is used,
ml and mu provide the upper and lower diagonals, see the lsodi.f
source for full documentation. adda_func is passed to the dae via set_options
with the adda_func keyword argument. Schematically, it is
def adda(t, y, ml, mu, p, nrowp):
p += a(t,y)
return p
Note: if your residual is a yprime - g, then adda must substract a, see def of
rfn !
- jacfn is not a supported option for lsodi.
- compute_initcond: None or 'yp0'
LSODI may be able to compute the initial conditions if you do not know them
precisely and the problem is not algebraic at t=0.
If yp0, then the differential variables (y of the ode system at time 0)
will be used to solve for the derivatives of the differential variables,
so yp0 will be calculated.
Source: http://www.netlib.org/ode/lsodi.f
from __future__ import print_function
__all__ = ['lsodi']
__version__ = "$Id$"
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
from numpy import asarray, array, zeros, sin, int32, isscalar, empty, alen
from copy import copy
from .dae import DaeBase
import re, sys
[docs]class lsodi(DaeBase):
from .lsodi import lsodi as _runner
from .lsodi import intdy as _intdy
except ImportError:
_runner = None
_intdy = None
name = 'lsodi'
messages = {2 : 'lsodi was successful.',
-1 : 'excess work done on this call (check all inputs).',
-2 : 'excess accuracy requested (tolerances too small).',
-3 : 'illegal input detected (see printed message).',
-4 : 'repeated error test failures (check all inputs).',
-5 : 'repeated convergence failures (perhaps bad jacobian'
' supplied or wrong choice of tolerances).',
-6 : 'error weight became zero during problem. (solution'
' component i vanished, and atol or atol(i) = 0.).',
-7 : 'cannot occur in casual use.',
-8 : 'lsodi was unable to compute the initial dy/dt. In'
' casual use, this means a(t,y) is initially singular.'
' Supply ydoti and use istate = 1 on the first call.'
supports_run_relax = 1
supports_step = 1
def __init__(self, resfn, **options):
default_values = {
'rtol': 1e-6,
'atol': 1e-12,
'lband': None,
'uband': None,
'tstop': None,
'order': 0,
'max_steps': 500,
'max_step_size': 0.0, #corresponds to infinite
'min_step': 0.0,
'first_step': 0.0, # determined by solver
'method': "adams",
'compute_initcond': None,
'adda_func': None,
'rfn': None,
'jacfn': None,
self.t = None
self.y = None
self.yp = None
self.tmp_res = None
self.tmp_jac = None
self.options = default_values
self.set_options(rfn=resfn, **options)
self.initialized = False
[docs] def set_options(self, **options):
""" See dae.DaeBase
for (key, value) in options.items():
self.options[key.lower()] = value
self.initialized = False
def _init_data(self):
self.rtol = self.options['rtol']
self.atol = self.options['atol']
self.mu = self.options['uband']
self.ml = self.options['lband']
self.jac = self.options['jacfn']
if self.jac is not None:
raise ValueError('Using provided Jacobian is not supported by lsodi')
self.res = self.options['rfn']
self.tstop = self.options['tstop']
self.order = self.options['order']
self.nsteps = self.options['max_steps']
self.max_step = self.options['max_step_size']
self.min_step = self.options['min_step']
self.first_step = self.options['first_step']
if re.match(self.options['method'], r'adams', re.I): self.meth = 1
elif re.match(self.options['method'], r'bdf', re.I): self.meth = 2
else: raise ValueError('Unknown integration method %s'%(self.options['method']))
if self.options['compute_initcond'] is None:
self.compute_initcond = 0
elif re.match(self.options['compute_initcond'], r'yp0', re.I):
self.compute_initcond = 1
raise ValueError('Unknown init cond calculation method %s' %(
if self.options['adda_func'] is None:
raise ValueError('adda_func is required for lsodi algorithm!')
self.adda = self.options['adda_func']
self.success = 1
[docs] def init_step(self, t0, y0, yp0, y_ic0_retn = None, yp_ic0_retn = None):
""" See dae.DaeBase
self.y0 = y0
self.yp0 = yp0
self.t = t0
self._reset(len(y0), self.jac is not None)
if self.compute_initcond:
if self.first_step <= 0.:
first_step = 1e-18
first_step = self.first_step
self.y, self.yp, t = self.__run(y0, yp0, t0, t0 + first_step)
t0_init = t
self.y = copy(y0)
self.yp = copy(yp0)
t0_init = t0
if not y_ic0_retn is None: y_ic0_retn[:] = self.y[:]
if not yp_ic0_retn is None: yp_ic0_retn[:] = self.yp[:]
self.initialized = True
return t0_init
def _reset(self, n, has_jac):
# Calculate parameters for Fortran subroutine lsodi.
self.neq = n
if has_jac:
if self.mu is None and self.ml is None:
miter = 1
if self.mu is None: self.mu = 0
if self.ml is None: self.ml = 0
miter = 4
if self.mu is None and self.ml is None:
miter = 2
if self.mu is None: self.mu = 0
if self.ml is None: self.ml = 0
miter = 5
mf = 10*self.meth + miter
if mf in [11,12]:
lrw = 22 + 16*n + n**2
elif mf in [14,15]:
lrw = 22 + 17*n + (2*ml +mu)*neq
elif mf in [21,22]:
lrw = 22 + 9*n + n**2
elif mf in [24,25]:
lrw = 22 + 10*n + (2*ml +mu)*neq
raise ValueError('Unexpected mf=%s'%(mf))
liw = 20 + n
rwork = zeros((lrw,), float)
rwork[4] = self.first_step
rwork[5] = self.max_step
rwork[6] = self.min_step
self.rwork = rwork
iwork = zeros((liw,), int32)
if self.ml is not None:
iwork[0] = self.ml
if self.mu is not None:
iwork[1] = self.mu
iwork[4] = self.order
iwork[5] = self.nsteps
iwork[6] = 2 # mxhnil
self.iwork = iwork
if isscalar(self.atol) :
# don't internally compute ydot if it is provided
if self.compute_initcond==0:
if self.tstop is not None:
self.call_args = [itol,self.rtol,self.atol,itask,istate,iopt,
#create storage
self.tmp_res = empty(self.neq, float)
if (self.ml is None or self.mu is None) :
self.tmp_jac = zeros((self.neq, self.neq), float)
self.tmp_jac = zeros((self.ml + self.mu + 1, self.neq), float)
self.success = 1
def _resFn(self, t, y, yp):
"""Wrapper around the residual as defined by user, to create
the residual needed by lsodi
self.res(t, y, yp, self.tmp_res)
return self.tmp_res
def _jacFn(self, t, y, yp, cj):
"""Wrapper around the jacobian as defined by user, to create
the jacobian needed by lsodi
## Not supported for lsodi
#self.jac( t, y, yp, cj, self.tmp_jac)
return self.tmp_jac
[docs] def solve(self, tspan, y0, yp0, hook_fn = None):
""" See dae.DaeBase
t_retn = empty([alen(tspan), ], float)
y_retn = empty([alen(tspan), alen(y0)], float)
yp_retn = empty([alen(tspan), alen(y0)], float)
y_ic0_retn = empty(alen(y0), float)
yp_ic0_retn = empty(alen(y0), float)
tinit = self.init_step(tspan[0], y0, yp0, y_ic0_retn, yp_ic0_retn)
t_retn[0] = tinit
y_retn[0,:] = y0[:]
yp_retn[0, :] = yp0[:]
if self.tstop is None:
itask = 1
self.call_args[3] = 1
itask = self.call_args[3]
self.call_args[3] = 4
indbreak = None
for ind, time in enumerate(tspan[1:]):
result = self.__run(y_retn[ind], yp_retn[ind], t_retn[ind], time)
if not self.success:
indbreak = ind+1
t_retn[ind+1] = result[2]
y_retn[ind+1][:] = result[0][:]
yp_retn[ind+1][:] = result[1][:]
self.t = t_retn[-1]
if indbreak is not None:
self.t = t_retn[indbreak-1]
return self.success, t_retn[:indbreak], y_retn[:indbreak],\
yp_retn[:indbreak], t_retn[indbreak], y_retn[indbreak],\
return self.success, t_retn, y_retn, yp_retn, None, None, None
def __run(self, *args):
y1, y1prime_tmp, t, istate = self._runner(*((self._resFn, self.adda,
self._jacFn) + args[0:]
+ tuple(self.call_args))
self.call_args[4] = istate
y1prime = None
if istate <0:
print('lsodi:',self.messages.get(istate,'Unexpected istate=%s'%istate))
if istate in [-1,-4,-5] :
print('lsodi: present residual is', y1prime_tmp)
self.success = 0
if self.success:
yh = self.rwork[20:]
order = 1
y1prime, iflag = self._intdy(t, order, yh, self.neq)
if iflag<0:
if iflag==-1:
raise ValueError("order=%s invalid in call to intdy" \
if iflag==-2:
raise ValueError("t=%s invalid in call to intdy"%t)
return y1, y1prime, t
[docs] def step(self, t, y_retn, yp_retn = None):
""" See dae.DaeBase
if not self.initialized:
raise ValueError('Method ''init_step'' has to be called prior to the'
'first call of ''step'' method, or after changing options')
if t > 0.0:
if self.tstop is None:
itask = 1
self.call_args[3] = 1
itask = self.call_args[3]
self.call_args[3] = 4
self.y, self.yp, self.t = self.__run(self.y, self.yp, self.t, t)
self.call_args[3] = itask
itask = self.call_args[3]
if self.tstop is None:
self.call_args[3] = 2
self.call_args[3] = 5
self.y, self.yp, self.t = self.__run(self.y, self.yp, self.t, -t)
self.call_args[3] = itask
y_retn[:] = self.y[:]
if yp_retn is not None:
yp_retn[:] = self.yp[:]
return self.call_args[4], self.t
if lsodi._runner: