Lower Level API¶
scikits.odes is a scikit offering a cython wrapper around some extra ode/dae solvers, so they can mature outside of scipy.
- It offers wrappers around the following solvers from SUNDIALS
- It additionally offers wrappers around
- ddaspk <http://www.netlib.org/ode/ddaspk.f> (included)
- lsodi <http://www.netlib.org/ode/lsodi.f> (included)
First-order ODE solver¶
User-friendly interface to various numerical integrators for solving a system of first order ODEs with prescribed initial conditions:
\(f(t,y)\) is the right hand side function and returns a vector of size \(\mathrm{len}(y_0)\).
(Rfn, **options)[source]¶ The interface which ODE solvers must implement.
Parameters: -
(t0, y0)[source]¶ Initializes the solver and allocates memory.
Parameters: - t0 (number) – initial time
- y0 (array) – initial condition for y (can be list or numpy array)
Returns: old_api is False (namedtuple) – namedtuple with the following attributes
Field Meaning flag
An integer flag (StatusEnum) values
Named tuple with entries t and y errors
Named tuple with entries t and y roots
Named tuple with entries t and y tstop
Named tuple with entries t and y message
String with message in case of an error old_api is True (tuple) – tuple with the following elements in order
Field Meaning flag
boolean status of the computation (successful or error occured) t_out
inititial time
(**options)[source]¶ Set specific options for the solver.
Calling set_options a second time, normally resets the solver.
(tspan, y0)[source]¶ Runs the solver.
Parameters: - tspan (array (or similar)) – a list of times at which the computed value will be returned. Must contain the start time as first entry.
- y0 (array (or similar)) – a list of initial values
Returns: old_api is False (namedtuple) – namedtuple with the following attributes
Field Meaning flag
An integer flag (StatusEnum) values
Named tuple with entries t and y errors
Named tuple with entries t and y roots
Named tuple with entries t and y tstop
Named tuple with entries t and y message
String with message in case of an error old_api is True (tuple) – tuple with the following elements in order
Field Meaning flag
indicating return status of the solver t
numpy array of times at which the computations were successful y
numpy array of values corresponding to times t (values of y[i, :] ~ t[i]) t_err
float or None - if recoverable error occured (for example reached maximum number of allowed iterations), this is the time at which it happened y_err
numpy array of values corresponding to time t_err
(t, y_retn=None)[source]¶ Method for calling successive next step of the ODE solver to allow more precise control over the solver. The ‘init_step’ method has to be called before the ‘step’ method.
A step is done towards time t, and output at t returned. This time can be higher or lower than the previous time. If option ‘one_step_compute’==True, and the solver supports it, only one internal solver step is done in the direction of t starting at the current step.
If old_api=True, the old behavior is used: if t>0.0 then integration is performed until this time and results at this time are returned in y_retn if t<0.0 only one internal step is perfomed towards time abs(t) and results after this one time step are returned
Parameters: - t (number) –
- y_retn (numpy vector (ndim = 1)) – in which the computed value will be stored (needs to be preallocated). If None y_retn is not used.
Returns: old_api is False (namedtuple) – namedtuple with the following attributes
Field Meaning flag
An integer flag (StatusEnum) values
Named tuple with entries t and y errors
Named tuple with entries t and y roots
Named tuple with entries t and y tstop
Named tuple with entries t and y message
String with message in case of an error old_api is True (tuple) – tuple with the following elements in order
Field Meaning flag
status of the computation (successful or error occured) t_out
time, where the solver stopped (when no error occured, t_out == t)
First-order DAE solver¶
User-friendly interface to various numerical integrators for solving an algebraic system of first order ODEs with prescribed initial conditions:
where \(i = 0, ..., len(y0) - 1\); \(A\) is a (possibly singular) matrix of size \(i × i\); and \(f(t,y)\) is a vector of size \(i\) or more generally, equations of the form
(Rfn, **options)[source]¶ The interface which DAE solvers must implement.
Parameters: - Rfn – residual function
- options (mapping) – Additional options for initialization, solver dependent
(t0, y0, yp0, y_ic0_retn=None, yp_ic0_retn=None)[source]¶ Initializes the solver and allocates memory.
Parameters: - t0 (number) – initial time
- y0 (list/array) – initial condition for y
- yp0 (list/array) – initial condition for yp
- y_ic0 (numpy array) – (optional) returns the calculated consistent initial condition for y
- yp_ic0 (numpy array) – (optional) returns the calculated consistent initial condition for y derivated.
Returns: old_api is False (namedtuple) – namedtuple with the following attributes
Field Meaning flag
An integer flag (StatusEnumXXX) values
Named tuple with entries t and y and ydot. y will correspond to y_retn value and ydot to yp_retn! errors
Named tuple with entries t and y and ydot roots
Named tuple with entries t and y and ydot tstop
Named tuple with entries t and y and ydot message
String with message in case of an error old_api is True (tuple) – tuple with the following elements in order
Field Meaning flag
status of the computation (successful or error occured) t_out
time, where the solver stopped (when no error occured, t_out == t)
(**options)[source]¶ Set specific options for the solver.
Calling set_options a second time, normally resets the solver.
(tspan, y0, yp0)[source]¶ Runs the solver.
Parameters: - tspan (list/array) – A list of times at which the computed value will be returned. Must contain the start time as first entry.
- y0 (list/array) – List of initial values
- yp0 (list/array) – List of initial values of derivatives
Returns: old_api is False (namedtuple) – namedtuple with the following attributes
Field Meaning flag
An integer flag (StatusEnumXXX) values
Named tuple with entries array t and array y and array ydot. y will correspond to y_retn value and ydot to yp_retn! errors
Named tuple with entries t and y and ydot of error roots
Named tuple with entries array t and array y and array ydot tstop
Named tuple with entries array t and array y and array ydot message
String with message in case of an error old_api is True (tuple) – tuple with the following elements in order
Field Meaning flag
indicating return status of the solver t
numpy array of times at which the computations were successful y
numpy array of values corresponding to times t (values of y[i, :] ~ t[i]) yp
numpy array of derivatives corresponding to times t (values of yp[i, :] ~ t[i]) t_err
float or None - if recoverable error occured (for example reached maximum number of allowed iterations), this is the time at which it happened y_err
numpy array of values corresponding to time t_err yp_err
numpy array of derivatives corresponding to time t_err
(t, y_retn=None, yp_retn=None)[source]¶ Method for calling successive next step of the IDA solver to allow more precise control over the IDA solver. The ‘init_step’ method has to be called before the ‘step’ method.
A step is done towards time t, and output at t returned. This time can be higher or lower than the previous time. If option ‘one_step_compute’==True, and the solver supports it, only one internal solver step is done in the direction of t starting at the current step.
If old_api=True, the old behavior is used: if t>0.0 then integration is performed until this time and results at this time are returned in y_retn; else if if t<0.0 only one internal step is perfomed towards time abs(t) and results after this one time step are returned.
Parameters: - t (number) –
- y_retn (numpy array (ndim = 1) or None.) – (Needs to be preallocated) If not None, will be filled with y at time t. If None y_retn is not used.
- yp_retn (numpy array (ndim = 1) or None.) – (Needs to be preallocated) If not None, will be filled with derivatives of y at time t. If None yp_retn is not used.
Returns: old_api is False (namedtuple) – namedtuple with the following attributes
Field Meaning flag
An integer flag (StatusEnumXXX) values
Named tuple with entries t and y and ydot. y will correspond to y_retn value and ydot to yp_retn! errors
Named tuple with entries t and y and ydot roots
Named tuple with entries t and y and ydot tstop
Named tuple with entries t and y and ydot message
String with message in case of an error old_api is True (tuple) – tuple with the following elements in order
Field Meaning flag
status of the computation (successful or error occured) t_out
time, where the solver stopped (when no error occured, t_out == t)
Making scipy ode solvers available via the ode API¶
This is an explicit runge-kutta method of order (4)5 due to Dormand & Prince (with stepsize control and dense output). The API of this solver is as the other scikit.odes ODE solvers
- Hairer and G. Wanner Universite de Geneve, Dept. de Mathematiques CH-1211 Geneve 24, Switzerland e-mail: ernst.hairer@math.unige.ch, gerhard.wanner@math.unige.ch
This code is described in [HNW93].
This integrator accepts the following options:
atol : float or sequence absolute tolerance for solution, default 1e-12 rtol : float or sequence relative tolerance for solution, default 1e-6 nsteps : int Maximum number of (internally defined) steps allowed during one call to the solver. Default=500 first_step : float max_step : float safety : float Safety factor on new step selection (default 0.9) ifactor : float dfactor : float Maximum factor to increase/decrease step size by in one step beta : float Beta parameter for stabilised step size control. verbosity : int Switch for printing messages (< 0 for no messages).
References [HNW93] (1, 2) E. Hairer, S.P. Norsett and G. Wanner, Solving Ordinary Differential Equations i. Nonstiff Problems. 2nd edition. Springer Series in Computational Mathematics, Springer-Verlag (1993)
This is an explicit runge-kutta method of order 8(5,3) due to Dormand & Prince (with stepsize control and dense output). Options and references the same as “dopri5”.
(soln)[source]¶ Base class for exceptions raised by DOP.validate_flags.
(flag, values, errors, roots, tstop, message)¶ -
¶ Alias for field number 2
¶ Alias for field number 0
¶ Alias for field number 5
¶ Alias for field number 3
¶ Alias for field number 4
¶ Alias for field number 1
(t, y)¶ -
¶ Alias for field number 0
¶ Alias for field number 1
(Rfn, **options)[source]¶ -
(t0, y0)[source]¶ Initializes the solver and allocates memory.
Parameters: - - initial time (t0) –
- - initial condition for y (can be list or numpy array) (y0) –
Returns: if old_api – not supported
if old_api False –
- A named tuple, with entries:
flag = An integer flag (StatusEnumDop) values = Named tuple with entries t and y and ydot. y will
correspond to y_retn value and ydot to yp_retn!
errors = Named tuple with entries t_err and y_err roots = Named tuple with entries t_roots and y_roots tstop = Named tuple with entries t_stop and y_tstop message= String with message in case of an error
(**options)[source]¶ Set specific options for the solver.
Calling set_options a second time, normally resets the solver.
(tspan, y0)[source]¶ Runs the solver.
Parameters: - - an list/array of times at which the computed value will be (tspan) – returned. Must contain the start time as first entry..
- - list/numpy array of initial values (y0) –
Returns: if old_api – Not supported
if old_api False –
- A named tuple, with entries:
flag = An integer flag values = Named tuple with entries t and y errors = Named tuple with entries t and y roots = Named tuple with entries t and y tstop = Named tuple with entries t and y message= String with message in case of an error
(t, y_retn=None)[source]¶ Method for calling successive next step of the ODE solver to allow more precise control over the solver. The ‘init_step’ method has to be called before the ‘step’ method.
Parameters: - - A step is done towards time t, and output at t returned. (t) –
This time can be higher or lower than the previous time. If option ‘one_step_compute’==True, and the solver supports it, only one internal solver step is done in the direction of t starting at the current step.
- If old_api=True, the old behavior is used:
- if t>0.0 then integration is performed until this time
- and results at this time are returned in y_retn
- if t<0.0 only one internal step is perfomed towards time abs(t)
- and results after this one time step are returned
- - numpy vector (ndim = 1) in which the computed (y_retn) – value will be stored (needs to be preallocated). If None y_retn is not used.
Returns: if old_api – not supported
if old_api False –
- A named tuple, with entries:
flag = An integer flag (StatusEnumDOP) values = Named tuple with entries t and y. y will
correspond to y_retn value
errors = Named tuple with entries t_err and y_err roots = Named tuple with entries t_roots and y_roots tstop = Named tuple with entries t_stop and y_tstop message= String with message in case of an error
- - A step is done towards time t, and output at t returned. (t) –
Solver developed 1989 to 1996, with some corrections from 2000 - Fortran
This code solves a system of differential/algebraic equations of the form G(t,y,y’) = 0 , using a combination of Backward Differentiation Formula (BDF) methods and a choice of two linear system solution methods: direct (dense or band) or Krylov (iterative). Krylov is not supported from within scikits.odes. In order to support it, a new interface should be created ddaspk_krylov, with a different signature, reflecting the changes needed.
Source: http://www.netlib.org/ode/ddaspk.f
On construction the function calculating the residual (res) must be given and optionally also the function calculating the jacobian (jac). res has the signature: res(x, y, yprime, return_residual) with
x : independent variable, eg the time, float y : array of n unknowns in x yprime : dy/dx array of n unknowns in x, dimension = dim(y) return_residual: array that must be updated with the value of the residuals,
so G(t,y,y’). The dimension is equal to dim(y)
- return value: Not needed. However, for use with other solvers, consider
- returning 0 on success.
jac has the signature jac(x, y, yprime, cj, return_jac) with
x : independent variable, eg the time, float y : array of n unknowns in x yprime : dy/dx array of n unknowns in x, dimension = dim(y) cj : internal variable of ddaspk algorithm you can use, don’t change it!
cj can be ignored, or used to rescale constraint equations in the system
- return_jac : two dimensional array of the Jacobian, as per the Jacobian
- definition of the ddaspk solver. This means it should be or a
full nxn shaped array in general (n=dim(y)), or a banded shaped array as per the definition of lband/uband. Jac is optional and should be set with the jacfn option keyword. Note that jac is defined as
dres(i)/dy(j) + cj*dres(i)/dyprime(j)- return value: Not needed. However, for use with other solvers, consider
- returning 0 on success.
This integrator accepts the following parameters in the initializer or set_options method of the dae class:
- rfn : residual function, see above for signature. This option need not be
set, as rfn will be set during initialization. If the residual function of initialization needs to be reset, this option can be used
jacfn : jacobian function, see above for signature. Default is None.
atol : float or sequence of length i absolute tolerance for solution
rtol : float or sequence of length i relative tolerance for solution
lband : None or int
uband : None or int Jacobian band width, jac[i,j] != 0 for i-lband <= j <= i+uband. Setting these requires your jac routine to return the jacobian in packed format, jac_packed[i-j+lband, j] = jac[i,j].
tstop : None or float. If given, tstop is a critical time point beyond which no integration occurs
max_steps : int Maximum number of (internally defined) steps allowed during one call to the solver.
first_step : float Set initial stepsize. DAE solver can suffer on the first step, set this to circumvent this.
max_step_size : float Limits for the step sizes used by the integrator. This overrides the internal value
order : int Maximum order used by the integrator, >=1, <= 5 for BDF. 5 is the default
enforce_nonnegativity: bool Enforce the nonnegativity of Y during integration Note: best is to run code first with no condition
compute_initcond: None or ‘yp0’ or ‘y0’ DDASPK may be able to compute the initial conditions if you do not know them precisely. If y0, then y0 will be calculated If yp0, then the differential variables will be used to solve for the
algebraic variables and the derivative of the differential variables. Which are the algebraic variables must be indicated with algebraic_var method
exclude_algvar_from_error: bool To determine solution, do not take the algebraic variables error control into account. Default=False
constraint_init: bool Enforce the constraint checks of Y during initial condition computation Note: try first with no constraints
constraint_type: if constraint_init, give an integer array with for every unknown the specific condition to check:
1: y0[i] >= 0 2: y0[i] > 0
-1: y0[i] <= 0 -2: y0[i] < 0
0: y0[i] not constrained
Alternatively, pass only one integer that then applies to all unknowns
- algebraic_vars_idx: an array or None (= default)
- Description:
If given problem is of type DAE, some items of the residual vector returned by the ‘resfn’ have to be treated as algebraic variables. These are denoted by the position (index) in the residual vector. All these indexes have to be specified in the ‘algebraic_vars_idx’ array.
Solver developed during the 1980s, this is the version from 1987 - Fortran
Integrator for linearly implicit systems of first-order odes. lsodi provides the same methods as vode (adams and bdf). This integrator accepts the following parameters in initializer or set_options method of the dae class:
- rfn : residual function, see below for signature. This option need not be
- set, as rfn will be set during initialization. If the residual function of initialization needs to be reset, this option can be used
- jacfn : jacobian function, see below for signature. Default is None.
- adda_func = function, required, see below
- atol=float|seq
- rtol=float
- lband=None|int
- rband=None|int
- method=’adams’|’bdf’
- with_jacobian=0|1
- max_steps = int
- max_step_size = float
- (first|min|max)_step = float
- tstop = None|float
- order = int # <=12 for adams, <=5 for bdf
- compute_initcond = None|’yp0’
- Implicit integration requires two functions do be defined to integrate
- d y(t)[i]
- a(t,y) * ——— = g(t,y)[i]
- dt
where a(t,y) is a square matrix.
- rfn computes the residual which the user provides. rfn has the signature: rfn(x, y, yprime, return_residual)
- with
x : independent variable, eg the time, float y : array of n unknowns in x yprime : dy/dx array of n unknowns in x, dimension = dim(y) return_residual: array that must be updated with the value of the residuals,
so G(t,y,y’). The dimension is equal to dim(y)- return value: Not needed. However, for use with other solvers, consider
- returning 0 on success.
- It calculates something like
- def res(t, y, yprime, r):
- r(t,y,s)=g(t,y)-a(t,y)*yprime
- adda_func must modify the provided matrix p and is a required option. If banded storage is used,
ml and mu provide the upper and lower diagonals, see the lsodi.f source for full documentation. adda_func is passed to the dae via set_options with the adda_func keyword argument. Schematically, it is
- def adda(t, y, ml, mu, p, nrowp):
- p += a(t,y) return p
Note: if your residual is a yprime - g, then adda must substract a, see def of rfn !
jacfn is not a supported option for lsodi.
compute_initcond: None or ‘yp0’ LSODI may be able to compute the initial conditions if you do not know them precisely and the problem is not algebraic at t=0. If yp0, then the differential variables (y of the ode system at time 0)
will be used to solve for the derivatives of the differential variables, so yp0 will be calculated.
(soln)[source]¶ Base class for exceptions raised by
(soln)[source]¶ CVODE.solve
failed to reach endpoint
(soln)[source]¶ CVODE.solve
reached the endpoint specified by tstop.
¶ Simple wrapper for functions called when ROOT or TSTOP are returned.
(self, DTYPE_t t, ndarray y, CVODE solver) → int¶
¶ Prototype for jacobian function.
Note that evaluate must return a integer, 0 for success, positive for recoverable failure, negative for unrecoverable failure (as per CVODE documentation).
(self, DTYPE_t t, ndarray y, ndarray J) → int¶ - Returns the Jacobi matrix of the right hand side function, as
- d(rhs)/d y
(for dense the full matrix, for band only bands). Result has to be stored in the variable J, which is preallocated to the corresponding size.
This is a generic class, you should subclass is for the problem specific purposes.
¶ Prototype for jacobian times vector function.
Note that evaluate must return a integer, 0 for success, non-zero for error (as per CVODE documentation).
(self, ndarray v, ndarray Jv, DTYPE_t t, ndarray y, userdata=None) → int¶ This function calculates the product of the Jacobian with a given vector v. Use the userdata object to expose Jacobian related data to the solve function.
This is a generic class, you should subclass it for the problem specific purposes.
¶ Prototype for preconditioning setup function.
Note that evaluate must return a integer, 0 for success, positive for recoverable failure, negative for unrecoverable failure (as per CVODE documentation).
(self, DTYPE_t t, ndarray y, bool jok, jcurPtr, DTYPE_t gamma, userdata=None) → int¶ This function preprocesses and/or evaluates Jacobian-related data needed by the preconditioner. Use the userdata object to expose the preprocessed data to the solve function.
This is a generic class, you should subclass it for the problem specific purposes.
¶ Prototype for precondititioning solution function.
Note that evaluate must return a integer, 0 for success, positive for recoverable failure, negative for unrecoverable failure (as per CVODE documentation).
(self, DTYPE_t t, ndarray y, ndarray r, ndarray z, DTYPE_t gamma, DTYPE_t delta, int lr, userdata=None) → int¶ This function solves the preconditioned system P*z = r, where P may be either a left or right preconditioner matrix. Here P should approximate (at least crudely) the Newton matrix M = I − gamma*J, where J is the Jacobian of the system. If preconditioning is done on both sides, the product of the two preconditioner matrices should approximate M.
This is a generic class, you should subclass it for the problem specific purposes.
¶ Prototype for rhs function.
Note that evaluate must return a integer, 0 for success, positive for recoverable failure, negative for unrecoverable failure (as per CVODE documentation).
(self, DTYPE_t t, ndarray y, ndarray ydot, userdata=None) → int¶
¶ Prototype for root function.
Note that evaluate must return a integer, 0 for success, non-zero if error (as per CVODE documentation).
(self, DTYPE_t t, ndarray y, ndarray g, userdata=None) → int¶
¶ -
(self, DTYPE_t t, ndarray y, ndarray J) → int¶ Returns the Jacobi matrix (for dense the full matrix, for band only bands. Result has to be stored in the variable J, which is preallocated to the corresponding size.
(self, jacfn)¶ Set some jacobian equations as a JacRhsFunction executable class.
¶ -
(self, ndarray v, ndarray Jv, DTYPE_t t, ndarray y, userdata=None) → int¶
(self, jac_times_vecfn)¶ Set some CV_JacTimesVecFn executable class.
¶ -
(self, DTYPE_t t, ndarray y, bool jok, jcurPtr, DTYPE_t gamma, userdata=None) → int¶
(self, prec_setupfn)¶ set a precondititioning setup method as a CV_PrecSetupFunction executable class
¶ -
(self, DTYPE_t t, ndarray y, ndarray r, ndarray z, DTYPE_t gamma, DTYPE_t delta, int lr, userdata=None) → int¶
(self, prec_solvefn)¶ set a precondititioning solve method as a CV_PrecSolveFunction executable class
¶ -
(self, DTYPE_t t, ndarray y, ndarray ydot, userdata=None) → int¶
(self, rhsfn)¶ set some rhs equations as a RhsFunction executable class
¶ with_userdata – ‘int’
¶ -
(self, DTYPE_t t, ndarray y, ndarray g, userdata=None) → int¶
(self, rootfn)¶ set root-ing condition(equations) as a RootFunction executable class
¶ An enumeration.
(t, y, solver)¶
¶ Simple wrapper for functions called when ROOT or TSTOP are returned.
(self, DTYPE_t t, ndarray y, ndarray yp, IDA solver) → int¶
¶ Prototype for jacobian function.
Note that evaluate must return a integer, 0 for success, positive for recoverable failure, negative for unrecoverable failure (as per IDA documentation).
(self, DTYPE_t t, ndarray y, ndarray ydot, DTYPE_t cj, ndarray J) → int¶ - Returns the Jacobi matrix of the residual function, as
- d(res)/d y + cj d(res)/d ydot
(for dense the full matrix, for band only bands). Result has to be stored in the variable J, which is preallocated to the corresponding size.
This is a generic class, you should subclass is for the problem specific purposes.”
¶ Prototype for rhs function.
Note that evaluate must return a integer, 0 for success, positive for recoverable failure, negative for unrecoverable failure (as per IDA documentation).
(self, DTYPE_t t, ndarray y, ndarray ydot, ndarray result, userdata=None) → int¶
¶ Prototype for root function.
Note that evaluate must return a integer, 0 for success, non-zero for error (as per IDA documentation).
(self, DTYPE_t t, ndarray y, ndarray ydot, ndarray g, userdata=None) → int¶
¶ -
(self, DTYPE_t t, ndarray y, ndarray ydot, DTYPE_t cj, ndarray J) → int¶ Returns the Jacobi matrix (for dense the full matrix, for band only bands. Result has to be stored in the variable J, which is preallocated to the corresponding size.
(self, jacfn)¶ Set some jacobian equations as a JacResFunction executable class.
¶ -
(self, DTYPE_t t, ndarray y, ndarray ydot, ndarray result, userdata=None) → int¶
(self, resfn)¶ set some residual equations as a ResFunction executable class
¶ -
(self, DTYPE_t t, ndarray y, ndarray ydot, ndarray g, userdata=None) → int¶
(self, rootfn)¶ set root-ing condition(equations) as a RootFunction executable class
¶ An enumeration.
(t, y, yp, solver)¶