Source code for scikits_odes_sundials

SUNDIALS wrapper

import inspect
from . import _version
__version__ = _version.get_versions()['version']

[docs] class CVODESolveException(Exception): """Base class for exceptions raised by ``CVODE.validate_flags``.""" def __init__(self, soln): self.soln = soln self.args = (self._message.format(soln),)
[docs] class CVODESolveFailed(CVODESolveException): """``CVODE.solve`` failed to reach endpoint""" _message = ( "Solver failed with flag {0.flag} and finished at {0.errors.t}" "with values {0.errors.y}." )
[docs] class CVODESolveFoundRoot(CVODESolveException): """``CVODE.solve`` found a root""" _message = "Solver found a root at {0.roots.t[0]}."
[docs] class CVODESolveReachedTSTOP(CVODESolveException): """``CVODE.solve`` reached the endpoint specified by tstop.""" _message = "Solver reached tstop at {0.tstop.t[0]}."
[docs] class IDASolveException(Exception): """Base class for exceptions raised by ``IDA.validate_flags``.""" def __init__(self, soln): self.soln = soln self.args = (self._message.format(soln),)
[docs] class IDASolveFailed(IDASolveException): """``IDA.solve`` failed to reach endpoint""" _message = ( "Solver failed with flag {0.flag} and finished at {0.errors.t}" "with values {0.errors.y} and derivatives {0.errors.ydot}." )
[docs] class IDASolveFoundRoot(IDASolveException): """``IDA.solve`` found a root""" _message = "Solver found a root at {0.roots.t[0]}."
[docs] class IDASolveReachedTSTOP(IDASolveException): """``IDA.solve`` reached the endpoint specified by tstop.""" _message = "Solver reached tstop at {0.tstop.t[0]}."
def _get_num_args(func): """ Python 2/3 compatible method of getting number of args that `func` accepts """ if hasattr(inspect, "getfullargspec"): argspec = inspect.getfullargspec(func) else: argspec = inspect.getargspec(func) arg_cnt = 0 for arg in argspec.args: if arg not in ("self", "cls"): arg_cnt += 1 return arg_cnt