Source code for scikits_odes_core

from . import _version
__version__ = _version.get_versions()['version']

[docs] class DaeBase: """ The interface which DAE solvers must implement. Parameters ---------- Rfn : function residual function options : mapping Additional options for initialization, solver dependent """ integrator_classes = [] def __init__(self, Rfn, **options): raise NotImplementedError('all DAE solvers must implement this')
[docs] def set_options(self, **options): """ Set specific options for the solver. Calling set_options a second time, normally resets the solver. """ raise NotImplementedError('all DAE solvers must implement this')
[docs] def solve(self, tspan, y0, yp0): """ Runs the solver. Parameters ---------- tspan : list/array A list of times at which the computed value will be returned. Must contain the start time as first entry. y0 : list/array List of initial values yp0 : list/array List of initial values of derivatives Returns ------- old_api is False : namedtuple namedtuple with the following attributes =========== ========================================== Field Meaning =========== ========================================== ``flag`` An integer flag (StatusEnumXXX) ``values`` Named tuple with entries array t and array y and array ydot. y will correspond to y_retn value and ydot to yp_retn! ``errors`` Named tuple with entries t and y and ydot of error ``roots`` Named tuple with entries array t and array y and array ydot ``tstop`` Named tuple with entries array t and array y and array ydot ``message`` String with message in case of an error =========== ========================================== old_api is True : tuple tuple with the following elements in order ========== ========================================== Field Meaning ========== ========================================== ``flag`` indicating return status of the solver ``t`` numpy array of times at which the computations were successful ``y`` numpy array of values corresponding to times t (values of y[i, :] ~ t[i]) ``yp`` numpy array of derivatives corresponding to times t (values of yp[i, :] ~ t[i]) ``t_err`` float or None - if recoverable error occurred (for example reached maximum number of allowed iterations), this is the time at which it happened ``y_err`` numpy array of values corresponding to time t_err ``yp_err`` numpy array of derivatives corresponding to time t_err ========== ========================================== """ raise NotImplementedError('all DAE solvers must implement this')
[docs] def init_step(self, t0, y0, yp0, y_ic0_retn = None, yp_ic0_retn = None): """ Initializes the solver and allocates memory. Parameters ---------- t0 : number initial time y0 : list/array initial condition for y yp0 : list/array initial condition for yp y_ic0 : numpy array (optional) returns the calculated consistent initial condition for y yp_ic0 : numpy array (optional) returns the calculated consistent initial condition for y derivated. Returns ------- old_api is False : namedtuple namedtuple with the following attributes =========== ========================================== Field Meaning =========== ========================================== ``flag`` An integer flag (StatusEnumXXX) ``values`` Named tuple with entries t and y and ydot. y will correspond to y_retn value and ydot to yp_retn! ``errors`` Named tuple with entries t and y and ydot ``roots`` Named tuple with entries t and y and ydot ``tstop`` Named tuple with entries t and y and ydot ``message`` String with message in case of an error =========== ========================================== old_api is True : tuple tuple with the following elements in order =========== ========================================== Field Meaning =========== ========================================== ``flag`` status of the computation (successful or error occurred) ``t_out`` time, where the solver stopped (when no error occurred, t_out == t) =========== ========================================== """ raise NotImplementedError('all DAE solvers must implement this')
[docs] def step(self, t, y_retn=None, yp_retn=None): """ Method for calling successive next step of the IDA solver to allow more precise control over the IDA solver. The 'init_step' method has to be called before the 'step' method. A step is done towards time t, and output at t returned. This time can be higher or lower than the previous time. If option 'one_step_compute'==True, and the solver supports it, only one internal solver step is done in the direction of t starting at the current step. If old_api=True, the old behavior is used: if t>0.0 then integration is performed until this time and results at this time are returned in y_retn; else if if t<0.0 only one internal step is performed towards time abs(t) and results after this one time step are returned. Parameters ---------- t : number y_retn : numpy array (ndim = 1) or None. (Needs to be preallocated) If not None, will be filled with y at time t. If None y_retn is not used. yp_retn : numpy array (ndim = 1) or None. (Needs to be preallocated) If not None, will be filled with derivatives of y at time t. If None yp_retn is not used. Returns ------- old_api is False : namedtuple namedtuple with the following attributes =========== ========================================== Field Meaning =========== ========================================== ``flag`` An integer flag (StatusEnumXXX) ``values`` Named tuple with entries t and y and ydot. y will correspond to y_retn value and ydot to yp_retn! ``errors`` Named tuple with entries t and y and ydot ``roots`` Named tuple with entries t and y and ydot ``tstop`` Named tuple with entries t and y and ydot ``message`` String with message in case of an error =========== ========================================== old_api is True : tuple tuple with the following elements in order =========== ========================================== Field Meaning =========== ========================================== ``flag`` status of the computation (successful or error occurred) ``t_out`` time, where the solver stopped (when no error occurred, t_out == t) =========== ========================================== """ raise NotImplementedError('all DAE solvers must implement this')
[docs] class OdeBase: """ The interface which ODE solvers must implement. Parameters ---------- Rfn : function A function which computes the required derivatives. The signature should be ``func(t, y, y_dot, *args, **kwargs)``. Note that ``*args`` and ``**kwargs`` handling are solver dependent. options : mapping Additional options for initialization, solver dependent """ integrator_classes = [] def __init__(self, Rfn, **options): raise NotImplementedError('all ODE solvers must implement this')
[docs] def set_options(self, **options): """ Set specific options for the solver. Calling set_options a second time, normally resets the solver. """ raise NotImplementedError('all ODE solvers must implement this')
[docs] def solve(self, tspan, y0): """ Runs the solver. Parameters ---------- tspan : array (or similar) a list of times at which the computed value will be returned. Must contain the start time as first entry. y0 : array (or similar) a list of initial values Returns ------- old_api is False : namedtuple namedtuple with the following attributes =========== ========================================== Field Meaning =========== ========================================== ``flag`` An integer flag (StatusEnum) ``values`` Named tuple with entries t and y ``errors`` Named tuple with entries t and y ``roots`` Named tuple with entries t and y ``tstop`` Named tuple with entries t and y ``message`` String with message in case of an error =========== ========================================== old_api is True : tuple tuple with the following elements in order ========== ========================================== Field Meaning ========== ========================================== ``flag`` indicating return status of the solver ``t`` numpy array of times at which the computations were successful ``y`` numpy array of values corresponding to times t (values of y[i, :] ~ t[i]) ``t_err`` float or None - if recoverable error occurred (for example reached maximum number of allowed iterations), this is the time at which it happened ``y_err`` numpy array of values corresponding to time t_err ========== ========================================== """ raise NotImplementedError('all ODE solvers must implement this')
[docs] def init_step(self, t0, y0): """ Initializes the solver and allocates memory. Parameters ---------- t0 : number initial time y0 : array initial condition for y (can be list or numpy array) Returns ------- old_api is False : namedtuple namedtuple with the following attributes =========== ========================================== Field Meaning =========== ========================================== ``flag`` An integer flag (StatusEnum) ``values`` Named tuple with entries t and y ``errors`` Named tuple with entries t and y ``roots`` Named tuple with entries t and y ``tstop`` Named tuple with entries t and y ``message`` String with message in case of an error =========== ========================================== old_api is True : tuple tuple with the following elements in order ========== ========================================== Field Meaning ========== ========================================== ``flag`` boolean status of the computation (successful or error occurred) ``t_out`` initial time ========== ========================================== """ raise NotImplementedError('all ODE solvers must implement this')
[docs] def step(self, t, y_retn=None): """ Method for calling successive next step of the ODE solver to allow more precise control over the solver. The 'init_step' method has to be called before the 'step' method. A step is done towards time t, and output at t returned. This time can be higher or lower than the previous time. If option 'one_step_compute'==True, and the solver supports it, only one internal solver step is done in the direction of t starting at the current step. If old_api=True, the old behavior is used: if t>0.0 then integration is performed until this time and results at this time are returned in y_retn if t<0.0 only one internal step is performed towards time abs(t) and results after this one time step are returned Parameters ---------- t : number y_retn : numpy vector (ndim = 1) in which the computed value will be stored (needs to be preallocated). If None y_retn is not used. Returns ------- old_api is False : namedtuple namedtuple with the following attributes =========== ========================================== Field Meaning =========== ========================================== ``flag`` An integer flag (StatusEnum) ``values`` Named tuple with entries t and y ``errors`` Named tuple with entries t and y ``roots`` Named tuple with entries t and y ``tstop`` Named tuple with entries t and y ``message`` String with message in case of an error =========== ========================================== old_api is True : tuple tuple with the following elements in order ========== ========================================== Field Meaning ========== ========================================== ``flag`` status of the computation (successful or error occurred) ``t_out`` time, where the solver stopped (when no error occurred, t_out == t) ========== ========================================== """ raise NotImplementedError('all ODE solvers must implement this')